When the Stakes are High,
Our Commitment
to Freedom is Higher

Atlanta Civil Defense Attorney

Helping You Sue for Damages in Fulton, Cobb, DeKalb, Gwinnett, & Forsyth Counties

Civil law covers a range of legal fields, from business and corporate law to personal injury litigation. Mones Law P.C. is led by a highly experienced trial attorney who has secured wins in court against some of the biggest government entities, including the SEC, FBI, and DOJ.

Some types of civil cases the firm handles include:

  • Business formation
  • Corporation dissolution
  • Breach of contract
  • Personal injury litigation
  • Real estate disputes

An experienced lawyer can assert your rights and protect your interests in the courtroom. Civil lawsuits can be nuanced and confusing, but Attorney Stuart M. Mones has the winning track record you can trust to deliver favorable results. He will do his best to help you sue for damages and safeguard your rights in the face of legal conflict.

Schedule a free initial consultation with Mones Law to learn more about how the firm can help you with your civil case.

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Case Results


Forming A Corporation In Georgia

To legally register a business in Georgia, there are several required steps to follow based on the type of business entity.

For instance, forming a corporation entails the following steps:

  1. Choosing a corporation name
  2. Filing the “Articles of Incorporation”
  3. Appointing a registered agent
  4. Preparing the corporate bylaws
  5. Appointing directors
  6. Holding the first board meeting
  7. Issuing stock to each shareholder
  8. Filing an annual registration form
  9. Obtaining a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Mones Law can help you determine what type of business registration you need to file for and make sure you meet all the requirements for legally establishing this business.

Breach of Contract Litigation

Breach of contract is another area of litigation that Mones Law handles, and it is one of the more common types of civil lawsuits. A breach of contract occurs when a party fails to perform their duties and obligations under a signed contract, in which case the other party can sue the violating party for a breach of contract.

The contract must be legally enforceable and valid in order for a breach of contract case to proceed.

A contract must meet the following criteria:

  • The contract must address all the required conditions and terms
  • Each party must agree to the terms of the contract
  • Each party must have the legal capacity to enter the agreement
  • Each party must exchange something of value as part of the contract
  • Each party must enter the contract willingly
  • The contract must not violate federal or state law

In a successful breach of contract case, the plaintiff may be able to obtain one of the following remedies:

  • Compensatory damages: Actual and measurable damages that can be proven, such as lost wages or other incidental damages caused by the breach
  • Rescission: Cancels the contract, relieving the plaintiff of having to uphold their end of the contract
  • Specific performance: Specific performance of a term in the contract if the above cannot adequately compensate the plaintiff for their losses or when damages cannot be appropriately measured

The above is only a couple of examples of the types of civil litigation Mones Law handles. For more information about how the firm can help you settle your business law concerns or civil litigation concerns, schedule an initial consultation with Attorney Stuart M. Mones.

Contact Mones Law , P.C. today to get started in a free consultation. Spanish-speaking services are available.

Ready To Fight For You

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Spanish Speaking Services Available

Secured Positive Outcomes In Multiple Federal Cases