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Atlanta Criminal Tax Defense Attorney

Helping Clients Overcome Tax Crime Charges

No one wants to pay more than their fair share of taxes. However, problems arise when individuals and corporations knowingly adjust their numbers and mislead the IRS in order to avoid paying taxes. Also known as tax evasion and tax fraud, these crimes can have serious repercussions, including jail time, hefty fines, and other negative impacts. If you are facing tax audits and realize you may be guilty of a crime, you need immediate legal counsel to avoid a conviction and federal criminal investigation.

Having a lawyer on your side can give you peace of mind, knowing that someone with skill and legal understanding is fighting for you. Your attorney can help you avoid legal problems in the first place by ensuring your taxes are correctly paid according to Georgia and U.S. tax law. They can also minimize your tax liability so you don’t pay more than you have to.

At Mones Law P.C., our legal team has a deep understanding of state and federal tax law, making us your ideal allies when facing criminal tax investigations. Our tax attorneys can help you understand the charges brought against you, whether that means allegations of false statements on your tax return or other alleged violations of tax laws. We will fight aggressively for your well-being both in and out of the United States tax court. Call 678-616-2647 now to schedule a free 60-minute consultation with our team of dedicated, helpful attorneys.

What Are Common Tax Crimes in Georgia?

There are many ways to violate Atlanta tax laws, the bulk of which involve being dishonest when reporting to federal and state taxing authorities. With tax evasion and other white-collar crimes, the prosecution must prove that the individual acted knowingly and purposefully. Your tax attorney can help you understand what your charges mean and how to fight them.

Some tax crimes that are commonly seen in Atlanta, GA include:

  • Tax evasion – Tax evasion refers to avoiding taxes through any unlawful means. This could include under reporting income, mistakenly inflating deductions, or hiding funds in offshore accounts.
  • Filing false tax returns – Individuals and corporations who file a falsified tax return may face heavy penalties.
  • Money laundering – Fraudulent actions that make illegally obtained money look like it came from a business are known as money laundering and could lead to serious legal repercussions.
  • Employers failing to collect an employee’s payroll withholding tax may also lead to criminal charges

A criminal tax investigation can demonstrate that a person or business is guilty of one or more of the above crimes. The suspected tax fraud criminal should retain lawyers immediately at this critical time. A tax crime can quickly become a federal criminal case, resulting in years in prison and massive fines. You can come to our law firm with any criminal tax matters for excellent legal advice based on decades of experience.

What Is the Difference Between Civil and Criminal Tax Crimes?

Civil and criminal tax matters can be confusing because often, a crime starts as a civil wrongdoing. It is essential to understand the issue you are facing so you can take appropriate action before the matter becomes more serious. It’s always a good idea to talk with a tax attorney about your situation so they can offer a professional opinion about how to proceed.

Civil Tax Issues

Taxpayers who engage in fraudulent conduct may receive civil penalties. These actions include knowingly providing false statements to the IRS or refusing to file a tax return. Those guilty of civil tax fraud may be fined up to 75% of the unpaid amount. Remember that a mistake does not mean you have committed a crime. Reaching out to Atlanta tax lawyers can help resolve these issues quickly and easily.

Criminal Tax Cases

Criminal tax matters arise during more serious tax cases. For example, a person could face prison time and hefty fines for evading taxes or willfully failing to collect or pay their taxes. If you are facing tax fraud charges, you need a criminal tax defense attorney to help you avoid the harshest penalties under the law. Our legal team promises to work diligently to protect you during the investigation and litigation processes. Contact us right away to learn more about how we can help with your criminal tax defense.

How Can a Lawyer Help When I’m Facing Tax Crime Charges?

Businesses and individuals facing tax crime charges should speak with a tax lawyer as soon as possible. Your attorney can help by:

  • Offering legal counsel based on decades of experience
  • Constructing a defense to help protect your best interest
  • Protecting your rights during the criminal tax investigation
  • Helping you avoid the most serious consequences of a conviction, including seizure of your property and years in prison
  • Defending you before, during, and after the trial
  • Negotiating with prosecutors to get you a fair deal
  • Appealing the trial results if you are unfairly convicted due to mistakes during the trial

What Penalties Come with a Tax Crime Conviction?

Individuals and corporations facing criminal charges for tax fraud stand to lose a great deal if convicted. Not only may the person be sentenced to years in jail or prison, but they must also pay back taxes plus a 75% fraud penalty. In some instances, an individual could owe the government up to $100,000, while a corporation could be charged up to $500,000.

Additionally, those guilty of fraudulent tax filing or refusing to pay taxes could lose their jobs and find it difficult to find future employment. When the individual is the family provider, this can affect everyone in the family, resulting in the loss of vehicles or the family home. A criminal record can also impact a person’s social life, making it difficult to keep custody of the children in a divorce. A conviction can even mean shuttering a business permanently.

A criminal defense law firm can help those under scrutiny for tax reasons avoid such devastating consequences. Your tax attorney can also help prove that the error was a mistake, meaning you would avoid a criminal conviction. People married to someone guilty of tax fraud may also seek innocent spouse relief by working with a skilled tax lawyer. Call Mones Law, P.C. right away for your free consultation to learn how we can advise and assist you with your Atlanta tax issues.

What Defenses Are Most Helpful When Facing Tax Crime Charges?

If you are accused of tax fraud, you may worry about whether you can adequately fight the charges. Violating tax law is a serious matter, but not everyone does so intentionally. Furthermore, not everyone deserves the maximum punishment. Tax attorneys help their clients during a criminal tax investigation and criminal tax prosecutions. They investigate the alleged crime to uncover evidence that backs up their client’s defense.

Some of the most common defenses when dealing with criminal tax cases include:

  • Lack of willfulness
  • Reliance on a professional when filing taxes
  • Lack of taxes due
  • Insufficient evidence
  • Statute of limitations
  • IRS misconduct

Your tax attorney can review the details of your circumstances and help you develop a criminal defense that protects you. Your attorney will defend you during the investigation and throughout your legal proceedings. Call Mones Law, P.C. immediately for the advice and representation you deserve.

Should You Hire Our Atlanta Criminal Tax Defense Attorneys?

When it comes to fighting the government in a criminal case, not many entities are more frustrating than the IRS. Our legal team is prepared to help you because of our decades of experience handling litigation surrounding tax law. We will listen to your concerns and protect your rights throughout the legal process.

At our law firm, we treat each client as a valued individual, no matter what charges they are facing. We promise to leverage our experience, honesty, dedication, and aggressive legal tactics to help you walk away with the outcome you need. Whether you are looking for attorneys to avoid legal problems or if you are facing audits, we can help. Contact our criminal tax defense law firm right away to schedule a complimentary one-hour consultation with our criminal defense team at 678-616-2647.